School Notes

Date posted:   Mar 10, 2021

Voices of Hispanic American Catholicism

Photo of Tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Three Weeks

Check the course schedule for future offerings of this course.

In the U.S. today, over 40% of adult Catholics are Hispanic, while over 60% of Catholics under the age of 18 are Hispanic.  In many places around the country this “minority group” are the dominant presence in the Catholic Church, and there are large communities of Hispanic Catholics in every diocese in the U.S.  Hispanic Catholics bring forth a richness in spirituality, tradition, practices, and opportunities for U.S. Catholicism in the 21st Century.  Join us as we reflect on the pastoral needs of the Hispanic families and youth and the meaning of this treasure for your parish and community. The course is guided by the articles in The Treasure of Hispanic Catholicism, the Spring 2016 issue of C21 Resources, which was edited by Dr. Hosffman Ospino.


Introductory Week
Week 1: The Hispanic Presence in American Catholicism Today
Week 2: Opportunities for American Catholicism because of the Hispanic Presence  

Special Features

This course includes:

  • More than 15 brief one- or two-page articles by various authors contained in the Spring 2016 issue of C21 Resources;
  • Weekly questions for reflection and discussion;
  • A weekly introduction and study guide; and
  • A regularly updated Resources page to use for further study.

All STM Online: Crossroads courses include these features:

  • Participants have access 24 hours/ 7 days a week to the course's password-protected web site. 
  • Each participant belongs to a small Community for Conversation and faith sharing guided by a facilitator.
  • Course site is usually available to participants at least three months after the course has ended.
  • An orientation in how to navigate the web site is always available.
  • Technical assistance is easy to contact and prompt in returning a message.
  • A Certificate of Active Participation is awarded to those who post at least three messages of substance for each week of content.

Additional Materials Needed:

Everything you need for this course is provided on the course web site.  View this issue of , "The Treasure of Hispanic Catholicism."  If you prefer a hard copy of this issue, email The Church in the 21st Century Center at

Time Commitment:

A participant can expect to spend an average of 3-4 hours each week.  This commitment includes both the assigned reading and interaction online.

Certificate Requirement Categories

  • Themes from Our Christian Tradition

Content Scholar:

The articles were written by various authors under the editorship of Hosffman Ospino, Ph.D., who is associate professor of Hispanic ministry and religious education at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.