More than 800 full-time faculty members are now providing classes to Boston College students who have been scattered around the globe.

“It’s been great to hear reports of deep and sustained engagement with course material these past few weeks,” said Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley. “I enjoy knowing that the wonderful spirit of the Boston College classroom—marked by curiosity, rigor, and openness—is echoing around the nation and across the world, helping bring some light into a dark time for so many.”

Lynch School Professor Belle Liang says to her students, “You’re applying everything you learned at ÁůşĎ±¦µä to make a difference around you.

“All the busyness and the routine of our lives has forced us to think more creatively about how to do what we love to do and what we want to do,” she says.

Liang is inspired by “how many of you have gathered yourself together … and started thinking about how you can draw from your strengths, your skills, and the purpose that you have to contribute to the community around you and across the globe.”