Faculty Publications

Ali Banuazizi

  • “The Crossing Paths of Religion and Nationalism in Contemporary Iran.” In Nadim Rouhana and Nadera Shalhoub Kevorkian, eds.,ÌęWhen Politics are Sacralized: Comparative Perspectives on Religious Claims and Nationalism. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 247-271.

Robert Bartlett

  • Against Demagogues: What Aristophanes Can Teach us About the Perils of Populism and the Fate of Democracy (University of California, 2020).
  • “On the Acharnians.” Interpretation: A Journal of Political Philosophy. 45: 3 (2019): 365-82.
  • Aristotle’s "Art of Rhetoric". A New Translation with an Interpretive Essay, Notes and Glossary. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2019).
  • “On the Supremacy of Contemplation in Aristotle and Plato.” In Mastery of Nature. Ed. Svetozar Minkov and Bernhardt Trout. (University of Pennsylvania Press. 2018).
  • “On Xenophon’s Agesilaus” together with a new translation of the Agesilaus. In Xenophon, The Shorter Writings. Ed. Gregory McBrayer. (Cornell University Press. 2018).

Nasser Behnegar

  • “Liberalism and Christianity: Locke’s use of the Bible in the Second Treatise,” in Civil Religion and Modern Political Philosophy, edited by Steven Frankel and Martin Yaffe, Penn State University Press, 2020.

Timothy Crawford

  • “Arms Control as Wedge Strategy: How Arms Limitation Deals Divide Alliances,” (w/Khang Vu),ÌęInternational Security 46, no. 2 (Fall 2021): 91-129."How to Distance Russia from China,” Washington Quarterly 44, no. 3 (Fall 2021): 175-194.
  • The Power to Divide: Wedge Strategies in Great Power Competition, Cornell University Press, 2021.
  • “Intelligence Cooperation.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. 2019.
  • “The Strategy of Coercive Isolation.” In Kelly Greenhill and Peter Krause, eds., Coercion: The Power to Hurt in International Politics (Oxford University Press, 2018): 228-250.
  • Review of Diane Pfundstein Chamberlain, Cheap Threats: Why the United States Struggles to Coerce Weak States in H-Diplo/International Security Studies Forum, Roundtable, Vol. 10, no. 21 (2018): 5-13.

David Deese

  • Book, edited: A Research Agenda for International Political Economy: Most Promising Pathways and Directions, Edward Elgar, edited, 2022
  • Book chapter “Financial Crises and Trade Wars:  Has GlobalizationFailed to Deliver?,” in Research Handbook on Trade Wars, Ka Zeng and Wei Liang eds., Edward Elgar, July 2022
  • Book:  Demand and Response from Global Public Organizations:  Why They Failed to Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Aviation and Shipping? Springer International, 2022

David DiPasquale

  • "Alfarabi’s Book of Dialectic (Kitab al-Jadal): On the Starting Point of Islamic Philosophy. (Cambridge University Press, December 2019).

Gerald M. Easter

  • Last Stand of the Raven Clan: When Russian Went to War in America (Pegasus Books forthcoming)
  • "Avoiding the Succession Trap: Leadership Change in Survivor Communist Regimes" in Postcommunist World in the 21st Century: How the Past Informs the Present (Rowman and Littlefied, 2022) 
  • The Tsarina's Lost Treasure: Catherine the Great, a Golden Age Masterpiece, and a Legendary Shipwreck (Pegasus Books: 2020)
  • "Policing Protest in Russia" Communist and Postcommunist Studies (December 2021)

Jennifer L. Erickson

  • “Arms Control.” In The Oxford Handbook of International Security, ed. A. Gheicu and W. Wohlforth. Oxford University Press, 2018.
  • “Leveling the Playing Field: Cost Diffusion and the Promotion of ‘Responsible’ Arms Export Norms.” International Studies Perspectives 18(3) (2017): 323-42.
  • Changing History?: Innovation and Continuity in Contemporary Arms Control. In Power in Uncertainty: Exploring the Unexpected in World Politics, edited by Peter J. Katzenstein and Lucia Seybert. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 2018.

Dennis Hale

  • “What is American Citizenship?” (with Marc Landy), Real Clear Politics/Public Affairs 
  • “A Riven USA: Still the Last, Best Hope?” Real Clear Politics, July 20, 2020
  • “Do We Need the Civil Jury? And What For?” Voir Dire 26, #1, Spring, 2019, pp. 8-11.
  • “Blame the Fathers” (with Marc Landy), a review of Patrick J. Deneen, Why Liberalism Failed (Yale University Press, 2108), The Claremont Review of Books, Summer 2018, pp. 42-45.
  • “The Jury System as a Cornerstone of Deliberative Democracy” (with John Gastil), in The Cambridge Handbook of Deliberative Constitutionalism, edited by Ron Levy, Hoi Kong, Graeme Orr and Jeff King (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), pp. 233-245.

Ryan Patrick Hanley


  • The Political Philosophy of FĂ©nelon (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020).
  • Translator and Editor,ÌęFĂ©nelon: Moral and Political Writings (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020).
  • Our Great Purpose: Adam Smith on Living a Better Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019).

Articles and chapters

  • “The Human Good and the Science of Man,” History of European Ideas (forthcoming).
  • “Tocqueville and the Philosophy of the Enlightenment,” Cambridge Companion to Democracy in America, ed. Richard Boyd (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).
  • “Distance Learning: The Political Education of Montesquieu’s Persian Letters,” Review of Politics 83 (2021): 533-54.
  • “‘The Happiest and Most Honourable Period of My Life’: Adam Smith’s Service to the University of Glasgow,” in The Scottish Enlightenment: Human Nature, Social Theory, and Moral Philosophy, ed. Robin Mills and Craig Smith (Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Press, 2021), 115-131.
  • “L’éducation du prince selon FĂ©nelon : de l’amour-propre Ă  la justice,” Revue française d'histoire des idĂ©es politiques 53 (2021): 113-24.
  • “Justice and Politics in the Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals,” in Hume’s ‘Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals’: A Critical Guide, ed. Wim Lemmens and Esther Kroeker (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), 53-71.
  • “Rousseau’s Three Revolutions,” European Journal of Philosophy 29 (2021): 105-119.
  • “Reply to My Critics” (part of symposium on The Political Philosophy of FĂ©nelon and FĂ©nelon: Moral and Political Writings),ÌęEuropean Journal of Political Theory 20 (2021): 599-604.
  • “Magnanimity and Modernity: Greatness of Soul and Greatness of Mind in the Enlightenment,” in The Measure of Greatness: Philosophers on Magnanimity, ed. Sophia Vasalou (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 176-96.
  • “FĂ©nelon and Rousseau,” in The Rousseauian Mind, ed. Eve Grace and Christopher Kelly (London: Routledge, 2019), 87-97.
  • “Isaiah Berlin on the Nature and Purpose of the History of Ideas,” in Cambridge Companion to Isaiah Berlin, ed. Joshua Cherniss and Steven B. Smith (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), 81-96.
  • “Smith, Rousseau, and Kant on Learning to Become Just,” in Justice, ed. Mark LeBar (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), 39-66.
  • “Freedom and Enlightenment,” in Oxford Handbook of Freedom, ed. David Schmidtz and Carmen Pavel (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018), 223-38.

Michael Hartney

  • “Teachers Unions and School Board Elections: A Reassessment,” Interest Groups and Advocacy, January 2022.
  • “Off-Cycle and Off-Center: Election Timing and Representation in Municipal Government” with Adam Dynes and Sam Hayes,ÌęAmerican Political Science Review, Vol. 115, No. 3 (August 2021) pp. 1097-1103.
  • “Off-Cycle and Out of Sync: How Election Timing Influences Political Representation,” with Sam Hayes,ÌęState Politics and Policy Quarterly, March 2021.
  • “Politics, Markets, and Pandemics: Public Education’s Response to Covid-19,” with Leslie Finger,ÌęPerspectives on Politics, June 2021.
  • “Financial Solidarity: The Future of Labor Unions in the post-Janus Era,” with Leslie Finger,ÌęPerspectives on Politics, Vol. 19, No. 1 (March 2021) pp. 19-35.
  • “Closures and Consequences,” with Renu Mukherjee,ÌęCity Journal, December 8, 2021.
  • “What determined if schools reopened? How many Trump voters were in a district,” with Leslie Finger,ÌęWashington Post, November 10, 2020.
  • School Reopening Decisions Linked to Trump Vote Share and Catholic School Presence,” with Leslie Finger,ÌęEducation Next, October 29, 2020.
  • “Stop Playing Politics with School Re-openings,” Newsweek, October 16, 2020.
  • “Teachers Unions in the post-Janus World,” with Daniel DiSalvo,ÌęEducation Next, Vol. 20, No. 4 (Fall 2020).

Lauren Honig

  • “Land and Legibility: When Do Citizens Expect Secure Property Rights in Weak States?” (with Karen E. Ferree, Ellen Lust and Melanie Phillips). American Political Science Review. forthcoming
  • “The Power of the Pen: Informal Property Rights Documents in Zambia.” African Affairs,Ìę121Ìę(482), 81-107. 2022.
  • “What Stymies Action on Climate Change? Religious Institutions, Marginalization, and Efficacy in Kenya.” (with Amy Erica Smith and Jaimie Bleck). Perspectives on Politics, 1-18. 2021.
  • “Traditional Leaders and Development in Africa.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics. 2019.
  • “Elite Defection and Grassroots Democracy Under Competitive Authoritarianism: Evidence from Burkina Faso.” Democratization 26 (4), 626-644. (with Sarah Andrews). 2019

David A. Hopkins

  • “How Trump Changed the Republican Party—And the Democrats Too.” In Steven E. Schier and Todd E. Eberly, eds.,ÌęThe Trump Effect: Disruption and Its Consequences in U.S. Politics and Government (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2022),Ìęchapter 2.
  • “Placing Media in Conservative Culture” (with Matt Grossmann). In Sharon E. Jarvis,Ìęed.,ÌęConservative Political Communication: How Right-Wing Media and Messaging (Re)Made American Politics (New York: Routledge, 2021), pp. 9–25.
  • “What the Kamala Harris Pick Tells Us About Joe Biden.” New York Times, August 12,Ìę2020.
  • Presidential Elections: Strategies and Structures of American Politics (with Steven E. Schier and founding authors Nelson W. Polsby and Aaron Wildavsky), 15th edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020.
  • “The Party Goes On: U.S. Young Adults’ Partisanship and Political Engagement Across Age and Historical Time” (with Laura Wray-Lake and Erin H. Arruda). American Politics Research 47 (November 2019).
  • “The Democrats Don’t Have the Suburbs Sewn Up Yet.” New York Times, September 23, 2019.
  • “Financing the 2016 Presidential General Election.” In David B. Magleby, ed., Financing the 2016 Election (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2019).
  • “Why Trump Didn’t Build the Wall When Republicans Controlled Congress.” Washington Post, January 25, 2019.
  • “From Fox News to Viral Views: The Influence of Ideological Media in the 2018 Elections” (with Matt Grossmann). The Forum 16 (December 2018).
  • “Televised Debates in Presidential Primaries.” In Robert G. Boatright, ed., The Routledge Handbook of Primary Elections (New York: Routledge, 2018).

Chris Kelly

  • The Rousseauian Mind, edited by Eve Grace and Christopher Kelly (London and New York: Routledge, 2019).
  • “Rousseau and Julie von Bondeli on the Moral Sense,” with Heather Pangle, Adam Smith Review, Vol. 11 (2018) pp. 7-20.
  • “Rousseau on Happiness” translated into Chinese by Zeng Yuming in Philosophical Analysis, Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2018, pp. 52-64.
  • “Sovereign versus Government: Rousseau’s Republicanism,” in Acta Politologica Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018) pp. 19-36.

Ken Kersch

  • American Political Thought: An Invitation (Polity, 2021).
  • “The Messianic Presidency in Conservative Constitutional Thought,” The Constitutionalist (April 30, 2021).
  • “Constitutional Arguments, Constitutional Stories,” The University Bookman (February 23, 2020). 
  • “Mapping the Terrain of Conservative Constitutionalism,” Law and Liberty (January 22, 2020).
  •  “The Overlooked Conservative Tradition That Embraces an Executive Like Donald Trump,” The Atlantic (October 25, 2019).
  • Conservatives and the Constitution: Imagining Constitutional Restoration in the Heyday of American Liberalism (Cambridge University Press, 2019).
  • The Distinctiveness of the Supreme Court: An Historical Institutionalist Perspective,” Constitutional Studies 4 (2019).

Jonathan Kirshner

  • An Unwritten Future: Realism, Uncertainty, and World Politics (Princeton University Press, 2022).
  • The Downfall of the American Order? (Cornell University Press, 2022,Ìęco-edited with Peter Katzenstein).
  • "Gone but not Forgotten: Trump's Long Shadow and the End of American Credibility," Foreign Affairs (March/April 2021).
  • “The Keynesian Revolution,” Boston Review, July 13, 2020.
  • “The Man Who Predicted Nazi Germany,” New York Times, December 7, 2019.
  • When the Movies Mattered: The New Hollywood Revisited (Cornell University Press, 2019, co-edited with Jon Lewis).
  • “Handle Him with Care: The Importance of Getting Thucydides Right,” Security Studies 28:1 (January – March 2019).
  • The Great Wall of Money: Power and Politics in China’s international Monetary Relations (edited volume, Co-editor with Eric Helleiner). Turkish Edition (Koc University Press, 2018).
  • ‘A man’s Got to know his Limitations’: The Cop Films from Nixon through Reagan,” in Lester Friedman and David Desser (eds.) Tough Ain’t Enough: New Perspectives on the Films of Clint Eastwood (Rutgers, 2018), pp. 55-74.
  • “Confessions of a Left-Conservative: Norman Mailer in the Library of America,” Los Angeles Review of Books, September 19, 2018.
  • “Scenes from a Marriage,” Cineaste 44:1 (Winter 2018), pp. 67-68.
  • “Adam Tooze’s Crashed: From the Global Financial Crisis to Know-Nothing Nativism,” Los Angeles Review of Books, July 18, 2018.
  • “Elevator to the Gallows,” Cineaste 43:3 (Summer 2018), pp. 62-64.
  • Review of Alan Blinder, “Advice and Dissent,” Washington Post, April 6, 2018.
  • “Dark Undercurrents: Claude Chabrol’s Second Wave from Les Biches (1968) to Innocents with Dirty Hands (1975),” Bright Lights Film Journal (March 2018).

Peter Krause

  • “COVID-19 and Fieldwork: Challenges and Solutions” with Ora Szekely and 11 others, PS: Political Science and Politics, Vol. 54, No. 2 (April 2021) pp. 264-269.
  • You Can’t Get There From Here: Biden Negotiating the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” Political Violence @ a Glance, March 2, 2021.
  • Stories From the Field: A Guide to Navigating Fieldwork in Political Science, co-edited with Ora Szekely (New York: Columbia University Press, 2020).
  • “Navigating Born and Chosen Identities in Fieldwork,” in Stories From the Field: A Guide to Navigating Fieldwork in Political Science, Peter Krause and Ora Szekely (eds.) (New York: Columbia University Press, 2020).
  • “The Dilemma for Rebel Leaders: Power or Victory?,” Manara, No. 3, Cambridge Middle East and North Africa Forum, December 2020.
  • “The Two Faces of Kurdistan: Nationalism vs. Communalism,” with Sam Biasi, Political Violence @ a Glance, August 20, 2020.
  • “Yemen’s Proxy Wars Explained,” with Tyler Parker, Political Violence @ a Glance, March 26, 2020.
  • “It Comes with the Territory: Why States Negotiate with Ethnopolitical Organizations,” with Victor Asal and Daniel Gustafson, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism Vol. 42, No. 4 (April 2019) pp. 363-382.
  • Coercion: The Power to Hurt in International Politics, co-edited with Kelly Greenhill (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018).
  • “How Human Boundaries Become State Borders: Radical Flanks and Territorial Control in the Modern Era,” with Ehud Eiran, Comparative Politics, Vol. 50, No. 4 (July 2018) pp. 479-499.
  • “A State, an Insurgency, and a Revolution: Understanding and Defeating the Three Faces of ISIS,” in The Future of ISIS: Regional and International Implications, Sumit Ganguly and Feisal A.R. al-Istrabadi (eds.) (Washington, D.C: Brookings Institution Press, 2018).

Masha Krupenkin

  • Co-author with S. Iyengar, “The Strengthening of Partisan Affect.” Political Psychology 39 (2018): 201-18.
  • Co-author with D. Rothschild, S. Hil and E. Yom-Tovl, “President Trump Stress Disorder: Partisanship, Ethnicity, and Expressive Reporting of Mental Distress After the 2016 Election.” SAGE Open 9(1) (2019): 1-14.
  • Co-author with G. Huberman, T. Konitzer, D. Rothschild and S. Hill, “Economic Expectations, Voting, and Economic Decisions around Elections.” AEA Papers and Proceedings 108 (2018): 597-602

Mark Landy

  • “The Presidency in  History, Leading from the the Eye of the Storm.”(S. Milkis co-author) In The Presidency and the Political System, Michael Nelson ed. ,Ìę12 edition, CQ Press, 2020
  • American Government: Enduring Principles, Critical Choices(Cambridge University Press. 4th edition, 2019)
  • “Taking Federalism Seriously.” Real Clear Public Affairs – American Civics, February, 2021 
  • “What is American Citizenship? Real Clear Public Affairs – American Civics, July 2021 
  • “Why is the Constitution Not Democratic?”, (Dennis Hale Co-Author), Real Clear Public Affairs - American Civics Spring 2020 
  • “Presidents and the Lessons of Emergency,” Real Clear Politics, February 1, 2019 
  • “Deneen and the Founders.” Review Essay, Claremont Review of Books, Volume 18, no. 3, Summer 2018

Jonathan Laurence

  • Coping with Defeat: Sunni Islam, Roman Catholicism and the Modern State, Princeton University Press. Forthcoming, 2021.

Thibaud Marcesse

  • “Public Policy Reform and Informal Institutions: The Political Articulation of the Demand for Work in Rural India.” World Development 103 (2018): 284-96.

R. Shep Melnick

  • “Desegregation, Then and Now,” National Affairs, Winter, 2020.
  • “Analyzing the Department of Education’s final Title IX rules on sexual misconduct,” Brookings Report, June 11, 2020.
  • “The Title IX Spotlight Shifts from the Campus to the Schoolhouse,” Education Next, May 27, 2020.
  • “The Mismeasure of ‘Enforcement,’” Education Next Blog, February, 2020.
  • “The Department of Education’s Proposed Sexual Harassment Rules: Looking Beyond the Rhetoric,” Brookings Brief, January, 2019.
  • “Rethinking Federal Regulation of Sexual Harassment: The Need for Debate,not Demagoguery in the Age of Trump,” Education Next, Winter, 2018.
  • “Sexual Harassment and the Evolving Civil Rights State,” in Lynda Dodd, ed., The Rights Revolution Revisited: Institutional Perspectives on the Private Enforcement of Civil Rights in the U.S. (Cambridge, 2018).
  • “Scalia’s Dilemmas as a Conservative Jurist,” in Paul E. Peterson and Michael W. McConnell, eds., Scalia’s Constitution: Essays on Law and Education (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).
  • “Rethinking Federal Regulation of Sexual Harassment: The Need for Debate, not Demagoguery in the Age of Trump,” Education Next, Winter, 2018.
  • The Transformation of Title IX: Regulating Gender Equality in Education. Brookings, 2018.
  • “The Strange Evolution of Title IX.” National Affairs 39 (2018): 19-35.

Lindsey O’Rourke

  • Covert Regime Change: America’s Secret Cold War. Cornell University Press, 2018.

Robert Ross

  • “China Looks at the Korean Peninsula: The 'Two Transitions,’” Survival, vol. 63, no. 6 (October 2021).
  • US-China Foreign Relations: Power Transition and its Implications for Europe and Asia, co-edited with Øystein TunsjĂž and Wang Dong (London: Routledge, 2021).
  • “Learning From Foreign Colleagues: Research In China,” in Peter Krause and Ora Szekely, eds. The Unorthodox Guide to Fieldwork (New York: Columbia University Press, 2020).
  • “Beyond Theoretical Determinism: Exploring The Complexity of Power Transitions” (review essay), Journal of East Asian Studies, vol. 20, no. 2 (2020).
  • “It’s Not a Cold War: Competition and Cooperation in U.S.-China Relations,” China International Strategy Review, vol. 2, no. 1 (2020).
  • Published in Chinese in Zhongguo Guoji Zhanlue Pinglun (China international strategy review), no. 6, 2020.
  • “The Changing East Asian Balance of Power and the Regional Security Order,” in Robert S. Ross, Øystein TunsjĂž, and Wang Dong, eds., US-China Foreign Relations: Power Transition and its Implications for Europe and Asia (New York: Routledge, 2020).
  • “Sino-Russian Relations: The False Promise of Russian Balancing,” International Politics, vol. 57, no. 5 (2020).
  • “Sino-Vietnamese Relations in the Era of Rising China: Power vs. Resistance and the Sources of Instability,” Journal of Contemporary China (forthcoming, published on-line December 2020).

Kay Lehman Schlozman

  • Co-author with H. Brady and S. Verba, Unequal and Unrepresented: Political Inequality and the People’s Voice in the New Gilded Age. Princeton University Press, 2019.
  • Co-author with N. Burns, A. Jardina, S. Shames and S. Verba, “What Happened to the Gender Gap in Participation?” In 100 Years of the Nineteenth Amendment, eds., L.A. Banaszak and H. McCammon. Oxford University Press, 2018.

Susan Shell

  • “‘Taking Men as They Are and Laws as They Can Be’: Rousseau and Hobbes on Legitimacy and the State of Nature,” in Rousseau’s Mind, ed. Eve Grace and Christopher Kelly (London: Routledge, 2019).
  • The Strauss-KrĂŒger Correspondence: Back to Plato Through Kant. Translation with Introduction and Critical Essays, edited with Introduction by Susan Meld Shell (New York and London: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2018).
  • “Anticipations of Autonomy,” Kant and the Emergence of Autonomy, ed. Oliver Sensen and Stefano Bacin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018)
  • “Kant and Civic Dignity in the Age of Trump,” in Philosophy in the Age of Donald Trump, ed. Mark Sable (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).

Peter Skerry

  • “Good Neighbors and Good Citizens: Beyond the Legal-Illegal Immigration Debate.” In Debating Immigration, ed. C. Swain. 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press (forthcoming). (Co-author with N. Pickus).

Paul Wilford

  • Co-edited with Samuel A. Stoner, Kant and the Possibility of Progress. University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021.
  • "From Comedy to Christianity: The Nihilism of Aristophanic Laughter." In Hegel, Tragedy, and Comedy, ed. Mark Alznauer. SUNY, 2021.
  • “Hegel on the Trial of Socrates and the End of Aesthetic Democracy.” In Hegel and Ancient Philosophy: A Re-Examination, ed. G.A. Magee. Routledge, 2018.